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Hi there! My name is Mor Eitan.
I'm a designer based in Israel
specialising in UX/UI, Product Design and Art

אלקטריון סגול.png

Wireless Charging Platform
Contributed to designing a platform for wireless EV charging technology for electric vehicles while driving, idling, or parked.

וובז מטושטש.png

Web Data
Designed along with product managers a platform that transforms
web data into structured, ready-to-use feeds for diverse applications.

תבנית מוקאפ מוגדל 9.png

Wedding Planner * (Coming Soon)
With countless clients- this platform offers the ability to focus on one client at a time and managing all aspects of wedding planning.

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I'm Mor, a UX/UI designer based in Israel. 
I graduated with a degree in UX/UI and graphic design in November 2020.
I also portray my work on multiple platforms,
including Instagram and TikTok, which engage
more than 100k followers.

Let's connect!

©2024 Mor Eitan |   © All the works are for educational purposes only.

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